How can we reduce the fear and cost of change? Is it possible to have multiple languages and frameworks working together side by side? How can we keep systems alive longer and with less pain?
Today we talk with Chad Fowler, CTO at 6Wunderkinder, the creators of Wunderlist, and he will share with us how they are using Immutable Infrastructure to work around these problems.
Related to the subject, I would like to recommend microXchg 2015, the Microservices Conference in Berlin, that will take place in February 12 and 13, 2015. It's a two day, two track conference with a ton of practioners, including Chad Fowler, James Lewis from Thoughtworks (co-author or the big article about Microservices with Martin Fowler), Adrian Cockcroft, the former cloud architect at Netflix and many others.
It's limited to 200 seats, I recommend you register right away.
UPDATE NOTICE: I remixed the episode boosting the interview volume, it should be much better now. Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'll be more careful in the future and now I learned how to fix it :)
Feedback, corrections and suggestions are welcome. Leave them bellow or reach me on @rafaelrosafu or [email protected].
Have fun and Mind the Cloud.
- Chad Fowler (@chadfowler)
- 6Wunderkinder
- Wunderlist
- Trash Your Servers and Burn Your Code: Immutable Infrastructure and Disposable Components - on Chad's blog
- Legacy by Chad Fowler - Chad's presentation on the subject on Scala Days 2014
- Microservices - article by James Lewis and Martin Fowler from Thoughtworks
- microXchg 2015 - The Microservices Conference in Berlin - February 12th and 13th 2015, limited seats, register now